Friday 21 November 2014

What is the Best Fastest Long Lasting vegetarian Diet possible

Ana needs a fast acting vegetarian diet.

Here is my advice for the best diet ever that will allow her to eat lots of food, lose weight, keep the weight off. Just below the video I unpack in detail how you, too, can achieve these goals.

The next part we will look more deeply at the two approaches to plant based weight loss and how best to combine them.

First up is the 80-10-10 diet that will give you the rapid weight loss.
You may have heard of the 80-10-10 diet, which was first popularized by a raw foodist named Dr. Douglass Graham. Perhaps you’ve seen some of the advocates post about it on Instagram and wondered what it was.

What’s the 80? What are the 10’s? A lot of people seem to have questions about it.

Basically, it’s a raw vegan diet divided up into three food categories (macronutrients). Here’s a summary:
A minimum of 80 percent of your calories are from carbohydrates. These calories come mostly from fruits and vegetables, relying heavily on the sweet fruits so it’s easier to reach this goal percentage. About 90 to 95 percent of the calories in this category come from sweet fruits. Then about two to six percent of your calories are from greens. There are no grains of course, since everything is raw.

A maximum of 10 percent of your calories are from healthy fats.

A maximum of 10 percent of your calories are from plant-based protein sources, but they’re naturally built into the rest of the diet.

The Pros and Cons of 80-10-10
You eat tons of fresh produce.
It’s low-fat, which is important for several reasons.
It’s an improvement if you’re on the standard American diet because you’re eating whole foods and no refined sugar.

The 80-10-10 diet doesn’t include any cooked veggies and grains that reduce your cravings for refined, processed and higher fat foods... Something no one needs to be eating!
Most fruit is seasonal and the absence of abundant fruits that you like can make the 80-10-10 diet very difficult to maintain for the long term.
Staying in tune with the seasons and what your body is craving is important, and cooked soups and stews have an important place in a winter diet.
Going too “vata” (according to Ayurveda principles) can make you feel anxious or scatterbrained. You need to balance that out with grounding, warm vegetables and gluten-free grains that are earthy and “kapha.”

Second up is the McDougal program for Maximum Weight Loss:
The McDougal Program is a weight loss program that is slower working than the 80-10-10 program. The reason is although it is also high carb, low fat plant based nutrition, the McDougal program has it's focus on cooked starchy vegetables and grains like potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn and rice.

These cooked foods have denser calorie profiles and therefore a slower burn rate than the raw food and fruit of the 80-10-10 program.

Finally: The Coach Edu system for rapid and sustained weight loss:
My system uses the best from both the 80-10-10 diet and the McDougal program. It is also the system promoted by Freelee the Banana Girl in Australia.

Follow the principles of the 80-10-10 diet until 4pm when your body is in high energy burning mode and you can refuel often.
Then in the evening switch to the McDougal program for warm grounding plant based nutrition that will sustain you through until morning without any cravings.

So that's it. Raw till 4(pm) and warm cooked food in the evening. It is a simple to follow lifestyle that is easy to maintain for the long term.

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